MORE THAN EVER by After Grace | Download Mp3 + Video
MORE THAN EVER: Arkansas-based duo of acoustic / pop After Grace (Cody Clark and Jerad Moffitt) are releasing new music titled “More.than.Ever.” The sound can be heard below.
“Our desire is to bring hope and encouragement to those who hear our songs,” said Jerad Moffitt.
“Because of the dark times our family is going through, we really understand how difficult it is to trust in God when what you see does not match what you know to be true.
But if we can be a spark of hope that reveals light and truth and a vision — even for just a moment — our dream music becomes a reality. ”
“We hope the injured, lost and broken listener will hear the song and be reminded that although everything around us looks ugly and dark, there is Glory waiting where everything in the world will pass away,” added Moffitt.
“We have constant assistance in times of need. Seeing is unbelievable; faith is seeing. Hold fast to Jesus when it is dark, and he will never leave you. ”
Listen and Download Mp3 Below: